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Showing posts from May 11, 2003

Star Trek: Voyager climax

    I saw the end of Star Trek Voyager on the day before yesterday. I have become more than a casual fan of the serial. One of the reasons I like the serial (or so I tell myself !) is for the ideas it introduces. I have mentioned what I like in the entire Star Trek series in my previous blog. Another aspect that I find in the serial is that there are lessons that I find I can apply in my life as well !     Of course, it is actually the other way around. The creators of the serial and the screenplay writers borrow lessons and incidents from life and depict it on the small screen, extrapolating the incidents. Still, the way the packaging in the serial has been done is to my liking !     The final episode of Star Trek Voyager illustrates what I mean. The starship Voyager is originally adrift 70,000 light years from home. The story of the serial is one of an odyssey to come back home. Along the way, there are adventures, enemies and friends to be...