I visited Cleveland in the beginning of April 2017 on work. This was my second visit to Cleveland. My first visit is described at http://fewidlethoughts.blogspot.in/2016/10/my-american-experience.html . The second visit has been just as enjoyable as the first. I describe my second visit in this blog post. In the second visit, my knowledge on processes increased after participating in a workshop at work. On the personal side, some photos from my visit are available in the password protected album http://s897.photobucket.com/user/sumamirle/library/Cleveland-2017 . If you wish to see them and do not have access to it, do let me know and I shall send you the password separately. My first visit was during the American summer time. This visit was in the beginning of spring or end of winter. The temperature was around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius mostly. In the flight, I watched a couple of movies, sleeping for an hour or so. I stayed in the same hotel as in 2016. One ...
This blog is from us, i.e. Kiran and/ or Suma. It contains idle musings on our travels, movies watched, books read, etc.