MAHABHARATA REVISITED TV channels in India have caught on to the fact that mythological serials will attract viewers. NDTV Imagine has a daily dose of Ramayan while 9X Hindi entertainment channel is showing its daily version of Mahabharat called "Kahani Hamaray Mahabharat Ki". How do the new versions of the serials compare with the older ones ? To begin with, I feel that the comparison is unfair. The older versions were telecast when there was only one national channel. The audience then had little choice to compare the serials with. To me, Sunday mornings were initially reserved for Arun Govil in Ramayana and then Mukesh Khanna in Mahabharat. The acting is not remarkable in either version, to be honest ! As a story, I prefer the Mahabharat among the two epics. Ramayana is purely "linear", with the story moving like the flow of a river. One incident leads to the rest : King Dasharath killing Shravana accidentally, Rama's promise ...
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