On last Saturday, 23-Aug-15, my wife and I watched "Rangitaranga", a Kannada movie at Garuda Swagath. This blog contains my review of the movie. Note: I follow a personal rule to avoid using personal names as much as possible. I have followed this rule in the blog post. First, some background : my wife and her family are avid fans of Kannada literature and movies also. In particular, my wife's brother is a passionate supporter of Kannada movies. It is through him that we got to know that Rangitaranga is a movie to be watched. Other people also asked me to watch the movie, praising the thrill element and the story. My curiosity was whetted: I decided I had to watch this movie. Unfortunately, my wife's colleagues persuaded her to watch the movie with them. She watched the movie and further stoked my desire about watching the film by saying that the movie was scary at times and that I should watch it. I told her that she would have to be scared all ov...
This blog is from us, i.e. Kiran and/ or Suma. It contains idle musings on our travels, movies watched, books read, etc.