For more than 20 years, I have been writing quotes to begin the working week. My working week begins with some time dedicated to find the quote. I like to ascertain the source of the quote and the context in which it was made, as much as possible. Often, while reading the quote, I am struck by its insight or relevance to today's time or to my life, in general. On Twitter and LinkedIn, these quotes can be found by searching for the hashtag #onmywhiteboard. On 12-Jul-2022, NASA's James Webb telescope delivered an image of a galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 whose light emerged 4.6 billion years ago, available at for viewing, a historic image. On 18-Jul-2022, I searched a quote that that would suit this historic event and finally selected this quote: "You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. The ...
This blog is from us, i.e. Kiran and/ or Suma. It contains idle musings on our travels, movies watched, books read, etc.