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Showing posts from June 24, 2012


On 8-Jun-12, it was my last day in a company that I worked for 11.5 years. Personally, the duration means little to me. My father worked for around 30 years as a scientist in a cotton related laboratory ; my maternal uncle has also worked for a comparable duration in a private organization and my brother has completed more than 20 years working for a private airlines organization overseas. In comparison, 11.5 years is little to talk about ! However, there are two factors that change the situation, now. First, the generation gap : my father and uncle belong to a generation where opportunities and options were few. In today's world, particularly in cities, the options for a graduate are many. Engineering and medicine were the major streams open to students until the '90s. Now, an enthusiastic student can take up animation, finance or dabble in electronic media if s/ he chooses to. I am sure there are other options also, like opportunities in the retail sector. Second, peop...