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Showing posts from November 19, 2017

My impressions on the book "Adiyogi"

I finished reading the book "Adiyogi", released by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on the weekend ending 12-Nov-2017. To anybody interested in Hindu mythology and philosophy, I recommend the book. It has been co-written by Arundhati Subramanian. I was curious about the book, following the consecration of the 112 feet tall face of Adiyogi as reported in . I ordered the book in May 2017 and got around to reading it only in October 2017. The significance of the Adiyogi, Lord Shiva is brought out well. The contradictions we see in Shiva are explored and examined. For example, on one hand he is termed as Bholenath, the simple one. On the other hand, the term Rudra, the "terrible one" is also an epithet for Shiva. On one hand, he is considered as the first yogi and yoga is associated with stillness and calmness ; on the other, Shiva dances the Tandava dance ...