IPL 8 has ended with a winner that few would have expected in the middle of the tournament. Mumbai Indians appeared unlikely to qualify for the knock out stage. Before that the cricket World Cup ended with a more predictable winner. It would have been a fairy tale finish for New Zealand had they won the cup. This was reality though. The professionalism of the Australians came to the fore in the final as they dismantled the New Zealand batting that had faced few tests. After the world cup, there has been IPL 8 of course. Also, England faced West Indies in an engaging series that promises a new dawn for West Indies cricket. West Indies has uncovered a couple of young stars who can play a lead role in time to come. The first test between New Zealand and England was an absorbing one. New Zealand was in control for the initial part of the test but then in a couple of sessions, England inched back in and soon took the upper hand. It was an engaging conte...
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