OUR VISIT TO JAIPUR, AGRA AND UDAIPUR From 31-Oct-11 to 6-Nov-11, my wife and I visited Jaipur, Agra and Udaipur. We took 413 photos of which I uploaded 60 of them in Google Plus and Flickr. Somehow, I am not a big Facebook fan, but to be honest it is far superior to Google Plus, currently. In my opinion, Flickr is the coolest photo hosting site, though. If you are part of my friends and family group in Flickr, you will be able to view the set http://www.flickr.com/photos/fromkiran/sets/72157628097305692/ which has restricted access. If not, you should be able to view another set with public access at http://www.flickr.com/photos/fromkiran/sets/72157628122398470/ . Despite the huge number of photos, there are still a lot of memories and experiences that require the written word. So, I decided to blog any way. My initial thought was to let the pictures "speak a thousand words" and not write a blog, but those words still leave something unsaid !!...
This blog is from us, i.e. Kiran and/ or Suma. It contains idle musings on our travels, movies watched, books read, etc.