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Showing posts from May 29, 2005

Television medium

TELEVISION MEDIUM: IS IT REALLY A "BAD THING" ?     25-Apr to 1-May was TV turn off week. I don't see the point of having such a week. What were the people who kept their TV off during the week trying to prove ? Was it that television is a medium that dulls the intellect and spreads ignorance ?     I don't dispute the fact that some (or even most !) of what television provides us is indeed "unpalatable". Whether it is the titillation offered in the music videos of old Hindi remixes or the regressive values in a few Hindi soap operas, that is the ugly side of the television medium. What I don't like is to mistake the medium for the message. The story about messengers being killed in Roman times is being played out even in our times ! Television, as a medium, cannot (indeed, it should not !) be blamed for the content that people create - and then consume !     All media have their strengths and weaknesses and when the media are new, there are ...